Find out more about what we do at Eagle Security Solutions Ltd., including security tips, helpful hints, installation guidelines and more.
While there are trends to look for the cheapest security cameras on the market this brings a lot of false security to people’s homes, businesses, and other assets.
A couple of weeks ago, our monitoring system prevented a client from property damages and unraveled a catalytic converter theft ring resulting in many catalytic converters, weapons, and phones being seized!
Local Security Companies I What Makes Eagle Eye Security Solutions Standout
An expensive camera is useless if not installed correctly
Not only is our weather a factor but security cameras do need their own security. I shake my head when we see some of the big companies free running cable and not taking the 30 minutes to use protective measures to make sure the installation is secure.
We also see installations from other companies that try to install conduit but they install the pipe into the lower junction box from the top. No matter how much sealant is used water will always get in. Click the photo thumbnail to see a correctly installed bullet security camera.
Parkade cameras are one of the best investments for any parkade
But the “cheap” way of zip ties or free running the wire onto existing pipes is forbidden in our company. It is true conduit and the installation will add costs but you will regret it when you wiring is cut leaving your investment useless.
This photo shows two buildings worth of EMT and PVC conduit, delivered to the site.
Access Control is a less expensive option
We saw this in a 300 suite condo building, the thieves now have the master keys and suite keys. A simple card access solution would have been an easy fix. Just delete the card.
“What if they use the card they gained access to?” For the “master” entry fob we only allow this to work on one reader that has a keypad for dual authentication. Manual keys will be hidden beyond the door.
The trouble with peanuts
The following photo shows what paying peanuts will buy. We got called to a job after cameras kept dropping and the old company stopped coming. Turns out people kept cutting lines in the common areas. You would never see us install like this.
If you need to save on a security camera installation, don’t let it be this way.
Unit 106, 460 Doyle Avenue
Kelowna, British Columbia
Canada V1Y0C2